Sustainability is an integral part of our business, operations and standards, a driver of increasing long—term value and positive effects for all stakeholders.
The Group strives to implement the principles of sustainable development in all aspects of its activities. Sustainable development management is fully integrated into the Group’s overall corporate governance practicies. Therefore, the entire management is also responsible for sustainability. Operational implementation takes place in the divisions and along the value chain.
To ensure the effectiveness of the Group’s activities, integrated management systems (IMS) have been implemented and certified that meet the requirements of international standards:
ISO 45001:2018 — Occupational Health and Safety
ISO 14001:2015 — Environmental Management
ISO 9001:2015 — Quality Management
You can report to us any violations of these documents, safety regulations, facts of corruption, fraud, discrimination, abuse, conflict of interests, other issues on human rights. You are free not to disclose your identity.
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