The Magnezit Museum is 2nd in the rating of the national award «Corporate Museum»
In this regular ranking based on such indicators as the frequency of participation in the competition, victories and information activity, the corporate museum of the Magnezit Group was again placed second, out of a total of 200 applicants.
The list of the best ones includes 25 institutions participating in all seasons of the competition, including 2024, in which the Magnezit Group Museum became the winner of the Grand Prix.
Established back in 1967, the Magnezit Museum was completely renovated by the Group in 2018 to meet the most relevant requirements and innovative trends in the development of museum spaces. Along with the Group’s branded tourist route called «Russian Magnesite» it has repeatedly won awards at All-Russian industry competitions.
The Museum is important both for the development of industrial tourism in the region and for the implementation of the Group’s personnel policy. Up to 2000 events are held annually within its walls, including a wide range of training and career guidance activities for schoolchildren and students.
Museum guests from many regions of Russia and other countries have the opportunity to visit the observation decks with views of the Karagai quarry, the industrial site, the aerial cable cars of the crushing and processing plant and learn about the most modern technologies of the refractory industry at the Group’s innovative production complexes.
The refractories of the Magnezit Group are the best in Russia
Magnezit Group is a diploma winner of the All-Russian competition of the federal program «100 best goods of Russia» in the nomination «Industrial and technical products» with two types of refractories.
The award ceremony took place in Chelyabinsk on December 12. At the federal stage of the competition, the Southern Urals was represented by 16 enterprises with 40 types of products and services.
Two products of the Magnesite Group for steelmaking were awarded diplomas of the «100 best goods of Russia» program. Carbon oxide products are widely used in the linings of the main units of ferrous metallurgy: oxygen converters, steelmaking furnaces, steel-teeming ladles. Their production is carried out at the Progress innovative production complex, constructed within the framework of the large-scale production modernization programme>.
The other winner is also used in steelmaking — it is a type of non-shaped products, engineered specifically for lining of thundishes.
Both types of products, as well as other refractories manufactured by the Magnesite Group, provide consumers with a wide range of advantages, successfully coping with the most difficult service conditions.
Magnezit Group participated in the Southern Ural civil forum 2024
The events of the VII Southern Ural civil forum, a key discussion platform on socio-economic development, civic society and social responsibility of business, took place in Chelyabinsk. This year, under the chairmanship of Alexey Texler, Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region, the Forum once again brought together active and caring people — representatives of NGOs, business leaders, heads of federal and regional authorities.
«Corporate social responsibility of business» became a key topic of the Forum and the subject of its strategic session, which was held with the participation of Magnezit Group, remaining a vivid example of an active and responsible approach to the development of the region. The session was moderated by Irina Texler, a founder of the 2020 Foundation, and Sergey Korostelev, President of the Magnezit Group, spoke about his vision of Satka future and those social initiatives of the Magnezit Group that have had and continue to have a positive impact on the development of human capital and the socio-cultural environment in general.
As an example, he cited a number of unique projects implemented by the Group. Among them is the program «Chess universal education. Chess for General Development», which covers over 500 schools and kindergartens in the Chelyabinsk region, including all educational institutions in the Satkinsky district.
Since 2014, the Open Heart Foundation for homeless animals has been operating with the support of the Group. Over the years of its work, more than 8,000 animals have been helped, and educational programs have been launched for 15,000 schoolchildren.
In his speech, Sergey Korostelev also noted that improving the quality of urban life and the social climate, as well as the development of territories, is directly correspondent to the achieved cultural level. Among the most significant projects, the President of the Magnezit Group named the E.V.Obraztsova International Classical Music Festival, attended by more than 80,000 people — residents and guests of the Satkinsky district, as well as exhibitions of paintings fr om the collection of the State Russian Museum. And his announcement about a general agreement to open a branch of the Russian Museum in Satka and begin work in this direction was greeted with applause by the Forum guests.
«All Magnezit Group’s social projects are aimed at the development of the territory. Big cities suck out the best people like a vacuum cleaner. And Satka is a small mono—industry town that depends on the Magnezit Group. And our philosophy is simple: we are trying to develop the space and implement modern and interesting projects so that people do not leave Satka. For the future of any city, it is its people who are most important, therefore strengthening human capital, supporting talents, attracting and retaining them is the most important mission of urban development, culture and education» - said Sergey Korostelev.
He also spoke about the experience of interacting with space, which has become a strategic focus of urban development for Satka. This includes the long—term international creative project «My Satka», aimed at radically transforming the urban environment, the large-scale environmental programs «Million Trees» and «Blooming City», and the largest infrastructure facility, the Satka ice arena, built with the support of the governor and the Magnezit Group in 2023.At the conclusion of the event, wh ere RMK, TMK, MMK and other major industrial companies also shared their experience, Irina Texler stressed the importance of the strategic vision of the territory’s development and the formation of its social well-being, which Magnezit Group and its president Sergey Korostelev adhere to. All the results are presented in recently published book «Satka. The area code», presented to the participants of the discussion platform.
Main results:
For partners
In collaboration with customers, suppliers and contractors, the Group continues to develop its product line, creating import substitution opportunities in the metallurgical, cement and other key sectors of the national industry. At the same time, considerable attention is being paid to the expansion of regional ties and sustainable industrial cooperation to take it to new levels.
• The total volume of investments under the global technological modernization program in 2023 amounted to 2.6 billion rubles, exceeding 37 billion rubles. The introduction of modern technologies and innovations, automation and robotization of processes makes it possible to gradually increase the competitiveness of manufactured refractories — the degree of customer satisfaction with the quality of Magnezit Group products in 2023 amounted to almost 86%.
• A significant change in the geography of supplies has been achieved: as a result of structural adjustment, the share of Russian manufacturers of materials and equipment in the supply chain has increased by a quarter over the past three years and reached 75%.
• The development of the quality management system continued with the tightening of standards and the introduction of new regulations. In March 2023, a re-certification audit was conducted, which confirmed the Group’s compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.
• New types of refractory materials and products have been developed — by replacing imported materials in their composition with Russian components, cost reduction for customers has been achieved while improving all previously achieved physical and mechanical characteristics.
For nature
The basis of the activity for the production of refractory materials is the use of natural resources. In this regard, the Group continues to implement a set of measures to develop rational and economical technologies of their use to reduce the impact of production on the environment in the regions of its presence and on a global scale.
• Due to the development of the energy management system and the launch of new equipment in 2023, total energy consumption decreased by 22% compared to 2022, energy/revenue ratio decreased by 5.6%.
• Direct greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 26%.
• The volume of waste generation has been reduced by 23%, new technologies have been introduced for their use as components of a filling mixture for filling empty space in mines.
• The implementation of programs for the reclamation of the lands of the Satka production site and adjacent territories, as well as the Blooming City project, continued.
For employees
Magnezit Group is a large employer — the team has more than 4,500 employees. Attracting qualified personnel, promising young employees and retaining experienced professionals in the current conditions of personnel shortage in the economy as a whole determines the need for active management of human resources.
• In 2003, in order to strengthen human resources and scientific and technical expertise, the Group developed cooperation with industry educational and scientific institutions to update and launch educational programs taking into account the needs of the refractory industry. By the end of 2023, more than 50 Magnezit Group fellows were studying at various universities and colleges in the country.
• The system of material and non—material motivation of employees is constantly developing - the average wage growth for the Group over the past three years has amounted to 40%, the number of participants in the corporate programs "Healthcare" and "Transformation" has increased significantly.
• The Group continued to build balanced and productive relationships with its employees and associations that collectively represent their interests. In 2023, a new Collective Agreement was approved until the end of 2025, which retains all guarantees and compensations that were in force earlier.
• The volume of training on industrial safety and labor protection has been increased by 72% compared to 2022.
For the country and territories of presence
The Group's activities are important both for the economy of the country as a whole, since refractory products are vital for production in basic industries, and for regions of production activities. The Group is a responsible taxpayer, steadily increasing the volume of gratuitous investments within the framework of charitable projects, programs for infrastructure development in the regions of its presence, and developing partnerships with stakeholders for sustainable development.
• In 2003, the volume of financing of social programs exceeded 600 million rubles. A large infrastructure facility of the city, the Satka Ice Arena, has been put into operation. Other areas of investment include culture, the development of public spaces in the city, sports, and education.
• Mandatory payments amounted to more than 3.5 billion rubles. In particular, the Group's taxes were about 40% of all taxes paid to the budget of the Satkinsky municipal district of the Chelyabinsk region.
• Magnezit Group constantly participates in the largest scientific forums and openly shares its technological developments for the progress of the national industry. In particular, in 2023, according to tradition, the Group became the main partner and permanent participant of the International Conference of Refractories and Metallurgists, as well as a participant in the II Ecological Water Forum of the Southern Urals.
The report is available in Russian language only
The meeting started with the address by the head of the region Alexey Texler, he noted the success of the regional economy and the growth of social activities of local business. In this regard, the president of the Magnezit Group, Sergey Korostelev, spoke about the sustainable development of production, focusing on its future prospects, ongoing programmes for the development of the region’s infrastructure and projects for local communities.
Managers and specialists of the Magnezit Group take part in the international conference of refractory manufacturers and metallurgists, which is being held with the support of the Group at the National Research Technological University «MISIS» in Moscow on May 23-24.
At the opening ceremony of the conference, the Group representatives delivered a report on activities of the Association of manufacturers and consumers of refractories and further development of cooperation with industry associations and major consumers from the metallurgical, cement and glass industries. They also emphasized the need for continued support of import substitution programmes both on the supply side of refractory materials to Russian customers and in terms of the development of heavy-machinery production for the needs of the industry. This approach is aimed to increase the sustainability and economic security of the entire national industry.
As a technological leader in the refractory industry, Magnezit Group pursues an active policy to develop scientific and technological cooperation and openly shares achievements in the field of innovation with stakeholders as part of its sustainable development strategy. This year, Magnezit Group technical specialists are presenting their research on various topics and discussing the new technologies and materials to increase the stability and durability of specific thermal vessel linings.
Magnezit workers will take part in the forum and visit an exhibition of instruments, equipment, technological developments and thematic literature, which will be organized as part of the conference.
For more than 20 years, this conference has served as a multinational platform for discussion and resolution of current issues by representatives of the metallurgical, refractory and their partner industries of Russia, the CIS countries, Europe and China. The Magnezit Group is its initiator and traditionally acts as a co-organizer, the Group’s leaders serving as members of the organizing committee.