
Magnezit Group launches a new line for fluxes production at Panteleymonovka Refractory Plant
Magnezit Group has successfully launched technological line in the framework of the project for organization of magnesia fluxes production with annual capacity of 50 thousand tons at Panteleymonovka Refractory Plant (settlement Panteleymonovka, town Gorlovka, Ukraine). Production facility was organized from zero point and will reach designed capacity in 2013.
Method of Magnezit Group magnesia conditioning agent production is protected by the patent of Russian Federation
Magnezit Group became owner of the patent of Russian Federation, protecting method of magnesia conditioning agent production. The federal service of intellectual property of Russian Federation (Rospatent) issued on February 27, 2013 patent № 2476608.
Sergei Odegov and Lev Axelrod were awarded prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technics
Representatives of Magnezit Group were awarded prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technics of the year 2012 for development and introduction of innovative technologies for production and application of novel complex magnesia fluxes ensuring considerable improvement of lining strength and productivity of steel making vessels at leading metallurgical integrated works of the Russian Federation.
Magnezit Group obtains patents of Russia and Ukraine for a number of inventions and utility models
Magnezit Group obtained patents of Russian Federation for the invention «Method of Repair of Pipe of Vacuum Steel Degasser» and for the utility model «Water Cooled Roof of Electric Arc Steel-Making Furnace», as well as a patent of Ukraine for the utility model «Tundish for Continuous Casting of Steel».
Magnezit Group and South Korean company Shindong Enercom Inc. sign agreement of intent and distribution contract
Magnezit Group and Shindong Enercom Inc. (South Korea) have signed an agreement of intent and distribution contract, under which the parties provide for cooperation in the sphere of promotion and sales of Magnezit Group products in South Korea and Uzbekistan.
Magnezit Group and LUCKS Feuerfesttechnik GmbH conclude an agreement for cooperation
Magnezit Group, a recognized leader in the field of production of magnesia refractories and LUCKS Feuerfesttechnik, an international engineering and service company, concluded an agreement for cooperation.
Animated cartoon «Our help-mate Magnesite» won «Silver Dolphin» of Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards
Animated cartoon «Our help-mate Magnesite» has won «Silver Dolphin» Award in the category «Informational Films» of international corporate and documentary films festival Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards (Cannes, France).
Magnezit Group divests German subsidiary Dalmond Feuerfest Siegburg
Magnezit Group today announced the divestment of its German subsidiary Dalmond Feuerfest Siegburg GmbH. Dalmond Feuerfest Siegburg has been taken over by INTOCAST AG situated in Ratingen effective as of the 1st January 2012. The value of the transaction was not disclosed.
Magnezit Group masters production of new kinds of novel refractories at Panteleymonovka Refractory Plant
Magnezit Group masters production of new kinds of novel refractories at Panteleymonovka Refractory Plant (settlement Panteleymonovka, town Gorlovka, Ukraine), which has become part of the company in early 2012.
Magnezit Group commissions a new line for production of light-weight refractories
Magnezit Group commissioned a new line for production of light-weight refractories at Kyshtym Refractory plant (town Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region).

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